Thursday, 25 September 2008

So, the month of

September has almost passed us by with a flash - were did it go.
Here we are preparing for the upcoming festivities of Harvest and Halloween. I truly love this time of year - has a special air about it, colour changes in the trees, beginning of a new academic year - nights in front of the fires (if we had one at least) but you get the picture.

So what has this month brought us?
Liam and Hannah starting their new school year. Liam now in yr 8 and Hannah in Yr 1. Sam has started pre-school 3 times a week. I was really worried about my little guy, having never been lefted before - but he has been a real star, i couldn't be happier. He loves it like no one can believe. I think the teachers were a little worried about his start day, but he amazed us all.

Liam had his first Karate exam and passed with flying colours. He is now the proud owner of a yellow belt. We are pleased he has kept this up as it will help build his confidence and hopefully be useful if needed later on in life ( i hope he would never have to use it) although it will help him for his future dream career - A Traffic cop!!!!

Liam with his Karate Certificate.

Apart from the normal day to day things - a lot has happened.

As for scrapping - i have completed 2 LO's - which i have just discovered i have not photographed and since the sky is black i will wait to see if we have a bit of sunshine.

I went to the Yately crop last week for the 2nd time - but to be honest i am in the process of thinking about starting my own crop here in Surrey Heath. I have made the necessary phone call to the local Village hall who can give me a suitable time and date - but i need to make sure it will be worth while. I am in the process of thinking up a name - this seems to be the hardest part. I will let you know if all goes ahead, keep those fingers and toes crossed.

I have also had a very interesting email this morning to which i can't say anything about - but i am a bit shocked. Its all good!!!!! (I'll let you think about that one).

We went for our first Autumn walk last weekend and of course the children experienced for the first time - collecting conkers. The weather was beautiful, so had to make the most of it. We had such a lovely day and of course i was really happy to get some lovely photo's of the children (Liam did not want to join us), so here i will share a few. The one of Hannah i just love.

I will be scrapping some of these photos for our team Weekly challenge on UKS - So be sure to pop along and join in the fun.

Thanks for stopping by and hope you have a great weekend



Friday, 5 September 2008

Pencil Line Sketch 100!

Over on the Pencil Line Sketch blog this week they are celebrating an achievement of a 100 sketches............. awesome. They do have some amazing work being produced - be sure to check it out!
As this week is special they are running a RAK for 12 lucky entries and a special kit for the overall winner - i just had to play along when i saw the sketch as i had the perfect paper.

I have used patterned paper from Making Memories Noteworthy Line - Delaney, i love the colours - bright and summery. The pictures are of Hannah and Sam on the carousel swings during the summer holidays (well what summer we have had lol).

I am quite pleased with the final result - obviously not 100% the same as the sketch as i scrap a smaller size so had to do some juggling around, but for my first ever sketch i really enjoyed it.

Thanks girls for a great sketch and may we look forward to another 100 fantastic sketches.

My Lo!!!!!

Take care



Thursday, 4 September 2008

I'm back!!!!

Well I'm back - just about (lol).
First day back at school - all went quite well. Hannah was a little upset at the thought of a new teacher and class room, but she done great and had a big beaming smile when i collected her - that's what matters. I know she will be fine, has a lovely teacher again and the school is just fab - small and friendly. Liam has had a good day also - his new teacher rocks apparently, he has been chosen to be class rep this year which is awesome - really proud of him. Considering the troubles he had last year he has held his head up high and carried on - well done!!! But i sure do have some tired children on my hands tonight - guess it's an early night.

Tim has gone out for the evening all suited and booted. He is attending an Awards Ceremony on behalf of secamb (South East Coast Ambulance Service) as a First Responder. Not sure if he is in the pipeline for an award - but well done. For those of you that are unaware he works voluntarily for the Ambulance service serving the local community to life threatening calls. You can keep up to date with his blog at http://www.999responder.blogspot.com/

So i have finally found some time to update my blog and load my latest 2 LO's which have been on my table for a few days now. As posted previously i had a few days without any mojo so went blog surfing - like i do, it's a fascinating world out there and i decided to attempt Pencil Line sketch 84 - i actually really enjoyed it. I choose some photo's that were given to us by some friends when they stayed with us - but they were not very good - probably because our friend had a little to much to drink - but i liked them as they captured us when we were a family of 4. I chopped, re sized and they worked perfectly for this LO.

My 2ND Lo is a scrap lift from a blog i visit often - http://www.zarischka2.blogspot.com/ - check it out - some amazing lo's there!!! I had a beautiful photo of Hannah that i wanted to scrap so took the opportunity to use it. I used pp from the Delaney Noteworthy range and a few pieces of my own stash and i think it has come together well. (just so you know - i had permission to scrap lift and put on my blog (lol)!!)

So my peace and quiet has gone - i currently have a daughter singing down my ear - Calliou of all things - have you ever heard this song - it is so sweet.

I do have another LO to share with you but i need to photograph and load - i have managed to do the Pencil Line sketch 100!! Hopefully share with you tomorrow.

Have a great night and will speak with you soon



Monday, 1 September 2008


Just popping in for a quick post. I feel like my little blog has been kind of ignored lately!
It's been crazy round here............................ school starting this week, Sam finally off to playgroup - much to his horror - so lots going on.
I have finished 2 LO's that i shall load when i get a few spare minutes, still have 3 unfinished projects and have tons of house work!!!!!
Hopefully all will be back to normal by the end of the week and i can settle down in peace and quite and srap my hearts contents out!!!! Cool.
Hope you all have a fabby week and i promise to be back real soon

Take care